The Trottinghamshire Bronies 19th of October (19/10/2024) Meetup Date Confirmation.

The date for the October meetup has been chosen, a venue has been booked, and the voting is now closed. October‘s meetup will be on Saturdaythe 19th of October. This date was picked because it was the most popular day and gave people the most notice.

I will post the details of the meetup in the event section of our website later.

October Results

Saturday 12th of October0404
Sunday 13th of October0303
Saturday 19th of October0404
Sunday 20th of October0202
Saturday 26th of October1102
Sunday 27th of October0202

Raw Results (Screenshots)




The 27th of January and the 17th of February Meetups Confirmation.

The dates for the January and February meetups have been chosen, and the voting is now closed. We picked these dates because they are the most popular days and give people the most notice.

The January meetup will be on Saturdaythe 27th of January, and the February meetup will be on Saturdaythe 17th of February.

I will post the details of these meetups in the event section of our website later.

January Result

Sunday 14th of January2204
Saturday 20th of January5005
Sunday 21th of January3104
Saturday 27th of January5005
Sunday 28th of January3003

February Result

Saturday 10th of February3003
Sunday 11th of February2204
Saturday 17th of February6006
Sunday 18th of February2103
Saturday 24th of February2002
Sunday 25th of February3104

Raw Results




Voting for January and February 2023 Meetups Dates.

It’s time to pick the dates for the January and February Trottinghamshire Bronies meetups. This poll will close at midnight on Sunday, 7th January.

As with the last time, people can vote via the Trottinghamshire Bronies TelegramDiscord server, or Facebook page. Doing the voting this way will make picking the meetup dates quicker than the website used for polls before.

If you can’t use any of these methods, please comment on this post with which one of these days you can make:

Dates For January

  • 13th January, Saturday 
  • 14th January, Sunday 
  • 20th January, Saturday 
  • 21st January, Sunday 
  • 27th January, Sunday 
  • 28th January, Saturday 

Dates For February

  • 10th February, Saturday 
  • 11th February, Sunday 
  • 17th February, Saturday 
  • 18th February, Sunday 
  • 24th February, Saturday 
  • 25th February, Sunday

Trottinghamshire Bronies now have a new website 🌐.

Good News everyone!

Both me and GloomyJD have finished moving the Trottinghamshire Bronies website to WordPress from Squarespace. This is mostly because the cost was too high to be sustainable, but also because the Squarespace site was inaccessible on the meetup weekend.

Fortunately, this was after the meetup had started, but I wasn’t best pleased about this, especially considering the 16$ per month it was costing me to run the website.

I have wanted to move the website for ages because you have to pay extra to have more than one user (e.g proof-reader account) with access to website with Squarespace. There is also cheaper webhosting out there that is just as good. This situation just gave me the perfect reason to move the website.

If there are any problems at all with the new website send a message to me (@Starlight Flux) or @GloomyJD on the Trottinghamshire Bronies or GBronies Meetup Group discord servers.

UK Pony Con 2018 Pre/Breakfast/After Meets

As UK Pony Con is being held in Nottingham this year (on the Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th October 2018) I thought it would be good idea to hold Pre/After/Breakfast Meets for anyone going to the convention.

The plan for the Pre/After Meets  would be to meetup at The Orange Tree as this is less than 5 minutes from the Nottingham Conference Centre where the convention venue is, and we have a good relationship with them. They have in the past even made a special My Little Pony themed dessert for us.

However depending on the time we hold the pre/after meets, booking a room may involve a cost of about 5£ per person, . We need to know more details about UK Pony Con schedule before we know if there will be a cost a for sure, the but I would want to make sure people are ok with that first.

For the Breakfast Meet we will have to have a different venue as the The Orange Tree isn’t open until 12 pm. So most likely we will meetup at the Old Market Square next to the lions and find a starbucks or other coffee shop. 

In order to work out if it is worthwhile for our group to hold Pre/After/Breakfast Meets, and help us work out the number of people that will turn up, we have a quick poll for people to fill in. This way I can give them a ball park figure of how many people are coming, and possibly book out one of the back rooms.


30th Of September Meetup

The Poll for the next Meetup is now closed. The 30th of September was the winning date by a large margin. This should also give people plenty of time to plan for this meetup. 

This time round the plan is to meetup at 12 pm around the [ALT] Gaming Lounge, to catch up with members of the group (I’m sure some of us will have lots to talk about), and play games (including card games).

The ALT bar serves delicious food and drinks and they have been accommodating enough to treat us most excellently during our meet-up events, so if you can, please do buy things at the bar.

If you have any ideas’s or suggestion’s for this or future meetups feel free to mention them on our Group’s Facebook Page or Trottinghamshire Discord Server.


Poll Result


Poll Result.png