Voting for the July and August 2021 Virtual/IRL Meetup Date

It’s time to pick the date for the July Virtual Trottinghamshire Meetup. This poll will close on the 5th of July at 7 pm.
Like the last time around there is also the optional question to pick dates that you don’t want to have the meetup on, to be used in case of a tie break between days.

However, because we are supposed to be out of Lockdown by July 19th, the poll also includes dates for an In Real Life meetup in August. Hopefully, this will make up for the limited selection of dates in July that was caused by other commitments.

If Lockdown does not lift by July 19th, there will just be another meetup Virtual Meetup instead. However, if we do have an In Real Life meetup it will be at The Jonanshon arms (Location on google maps).

July Virtual Meetup

The plan for the July meetup is to run a Virtual Meetup as an audio/video call in our Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server within the Trottingham🔈 channel, between 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm (-ish), and keep the overall schedule as light as possible.

This way people can decide what they want to do on the day. People can even use the three extra breakout channels (Canterlot🔈,Ponyville🔈,Cloudsdale🔈) to help coordinate playing games online, and do other stuff like watching MLP:FIM or other TV shows.


Last Meetup

Our April Meetup this month had about 5 people on the call. Most of the meetup was spent chatting about:

  • Computer hardware
  • What computer games the group have playing.
  • Random videos on YouTube.
  • The Trottinghamshire Bronies post-lockdown plans for the Meetups.
  • And finally just catching up with other members of the group.

Useful Links

Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server

Watch Videos Together Online


Tabletop Simulator Games

Twilight Sparkle’s Secret Shipfic Folder

Tabletop Simulator MLP CGG workshop mod link

Other Games


Voting for February/March 2021 Meetup (Virtual) Date 🗳️.

It’s time to pick the date for the second Virtual Trottinghamshire Meetup this year. This poll will close on the 7th of February at midnight. Like the last time around there is also the optional question to pick dates that you don’t want to have the meetup on, to be used in case of a tie break between days.

On a related note, our January Meetup this month had about 5 people on the call over the course of the meetup. For most of the meetup the group were chatting about computer hardwareinternet memestechnology, and projects people have been working on. There was also talk about playing Twilight Sparkle’s Secret Shipfic Folder at the next meetup using Tabletop Simulator.

The plan for the next meetup

The plan for the next meetup is to run a Virtual Meetup as an audio/video call in our Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server within the Trottingham🔈 channel, between 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm (-ish).

If there are enough people interested in Twilight Sparkle’s Secret Shipfic Folder, or other online games, we will use one of the three extra breakout channels (Canterlot🔈,Ponyville🔈,Cloudsdale🔈) to help coordinate playing them.

Useful Links

Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server

Watch Videos Together Online


Tabletop Simulator Games

Twilight Sparkle’s Secret Shipfic Folder

Tabletop Simulator MLP CGG workshop mod link

Other Games


Choosing the Virtual Meetup’s Date for July 2020 🗳️.

It’s time to pick the date for the July Virtual Trottinghamshire Meetup. This poll will close on the 21st of June at Midnight. Like last time around there is also the optional question to pick dates that you don’t want to have the meetup on, to be used in case of a tie break between days.

Our June Meetup this month had about 6 people on the call, and most of the time was spent socialising and catching up with people. The rest of the time was spent playing hide and seek in Pony Town, and playing Jackbox games as a group.

The plan for July’s meetup is to run another Virtual Meetup by having an audio call going on in our Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server, between 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm (-ish), and keep the overall schedule as light as possible. This way people can decide what they want to do on the day. So we can run the Virtual Meetup, Audio Channels have now been added to in the Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server to help coordinate playing games online and socialising (Canterlot🔈, Ponyville🔈,Cloudsdale🔈, and Trottingham🔈).

Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server

Watch Videos Together Online


Tabletop Simulator Games

Twilight Sparkle’s Secret Shipfic Folder

Tabletop Simulator MLP CGG workshop mod link

Other Games


Fighting is Magic – Tribute Edition tournament

Following an email discussing the viability of holding a video game tournament for Fighting is Magic at the [ALT] Video Gaming Lounge, they have agreed that they would be open to hosting the event if we pay £30 for the rental of two computer stations for 2 – 3 hours. This is a whopping 58% discount. We plan to use one of the computer stations for the purpose of practise/exhibition matches and the second computer station for the ranked matches. 

However, in order to organise the event, the [ALT] Video Gaming Lounge does need to know the date of the event. Therefore, we are putting forward our poll a little bit earlier than before, to allow people time to declare their preferred date, so we can get back to [ALT] with a date. We will maintain contact throughout to offer complete transparency to the staff there.

To cover the cost of the computer station rental, I would like to propose a £2 charge for anyone who wishes to have their name added to the roster for the tournament. This means that if 15 people enter the event, we have paid off the computers. However, any surplus money will probably either go to a prize for the winner (Food/Drink) or, for funding the next event.

Please vote on the poll below this post your preferred date and whether you would be willing to pay a small charge to enter the tournament, before the 29th of May at 1:15 am. Your feedback is valuable to us.

Poll Is Now Closed

Signed ~The Trottingham Bronies Event Organisation Team

Here Are The Results;