Poll for the date and room of the February Meetup

It’s time to plan for next month’s meetup. Hopefully there won’t be any problems like the train station fire like last time. This poll will close on the 28th of January at Midnight, and has an additional question about which room people want us to book for the meetup.

This time round the plan is to hang around The Orange Tree pub on Shakespeare Street in Nottingham and catch up with members. The Orange Tree has adequate table space for the people who enjoy playing card games during these meets, so people can play TSSSF and MLP CCG at the meetup.

It is also close to the Victoria Shopping Centre, so if anyone wants to do some shopping during the meet, you won’t have far to go.

January 13th Trottinghamshire Meetup

Header Source: https://starlight-flux.deviantart.com/art/Aunt-Orange-721614837

This month’s Trottinghamshire Brony meet-up is hosted at The Orange Tree pub on Shakespeare Street in Nottingham at 12:00 PM on the January 13th.  This time around, it was a tie between the 13th and 27th. As we had a meetup at the beginning of December, we decided to hold the next meetup on the 13th.

This time round the plan is to hang around The Orange Tree catch up with members. It has adequate table space for the people who enjoy playing card games during these meets, so people can play TSSSF and MLP CCG at the meetup.

We also found out at the last meetup that the Disco Room has a projector and sound system. So we are going to book this room out, so we can play some background music and show stuff on the projector .

The Orange Tree is also close to the Victoria Shopping Centre, so if anyone wants to do some New Year Sales shopping during the meet, you won’t have far to look.

Also feel free to join the group’s Telegram Channel or Discord Servers


Poll Result


Jan 2018 meetup.png

Poll for the January Meetup Date and 5 Year Anniversary Suggestion Box.

I know that is not even 2018, but It’s time to plan for next month’s meetup. This poll will close on the 22nd of December at Midnight. Also there is a suggestion box for what people want to do for the 5 Year Anniversary of the Trottinghamshire Group, which is coming up in July. It has been also suggested that we could do custom TSSSFF cards. If you don’t have any ideas for the event, you could just make a suggestion on what cards we could make.  

This time round the plan is to hang around The Orange Tree pub on Shakespeare Street in Nottingham and catch up with members. The Orange Tree has adequate table space for the people who enjoy playing card games during these meets, so people can play TSSSF and MLP CCG at the meetup.

It is also close to the Victoria Shopping Centre, so if anyone wants to do some New Year Sales shopping during the meet, you won’t have far to look.

Trottingham Bronies – Christmas Meet Up – 02/12/2017 Write Up

Today’s meet up took place at the Orange Tree pub in central Nottingham. We were lucky enough to be able to reserve a private area of the bar that easily had enough room to host the 14 attendees of this month’s meet, marking not only a great end to the year, but also one of the best turn outs for these meet ups in this final quarter.

With delicious food and ample table space for card and other games, we feel that the reception of the Orange Tree as a potential venue for future meet ups was very positive, and we didn’t even need to pay for the private room, meaning attendees did not need charging to cover the costs.

Some points were raised about the upcoming 5th anniversary of our group’s creation (18 July 2012) and the potential to do something special for this date, but what that “something special” will consist of is still open to suggestion. If you have any ideas, please suggest them on the Facebook page or our Discord/Telegram chat rooms, links to all of which can be found in the “Contact Us” page.

We hope you all had a great time and wish you a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Click on a thumbnail to see the full size photo. 

Trottinghamshire Christmas meetup

Header Image Source: https://basykail.deviantart.com/art/The-Christmas-Tour-510397513

This month’s Trottinghamshire Brony meet-up is hosted at The Orange Tree pub on Shakespeare Street in Nottingham.  After talking to them they said that the only day out of the two that were chosen that they could do was the 2nd of December

The meetup will start at our normal time of 12:00 pm and will be in the private room, so in order to help cover the £50 booking charge will cost a maximum of £5 per person, but this will be cheaper if more people come (Cost of meet = Booking fee / Attendees). Due to the fact that the side-room we originally wished to book was already taken, the meet-up will instead be taking place in their Disco Room, which should have enough space to host us all.

The Orange Tree also offers adequate table space for the people who enjoy playing card games during these meets. So people can still play TSSSF and MLP CCG at the meetup.

It is also close to the Victoria Shopping Centre, so if anyone wants to do some Christmas shopping during the meet, you won’t have far to look.

Also feel free to join the group’s Telegram Chanel or Discord Servers

The Orange Tree | Their website

30th Of September Meetup

The Poll for the next Meetup is now closed. The 30th of September was the winning date by a large margin. This should also give people plenty of time to plan for this meetup. 

This time round the plan is to meetup at 12 pm around the [ALT] Gaming Lounge, to catch up with members of the group (I’m sure some of us will have lots to talk about), and play games (including card games).

The ALT bar serves delicious food and drinks and they have been accommodating enough to treat us most excellently during our meet-up events, so if you can, please do buy things at the bar.

If you have any ideas’s or suggestion’s for this or future meetups feel free to mention them on our Group’s Facebook Page or Trottinghamshire Discord Server.


Poll Result


Poll Result.png

July the 29th Trottinghamshire Bronies Picnic/Meetup

After some hiccups the date of the next meetup, has now been decided.  The date  of the next meetup is the 29th of July. This time around, the plan is to go to The Arboretum park, just off the University of Nottingham central campus for a picnic – weather permitting. This park is a fairly decent size, so we should be able to find a space to hold the meetup.

Just in case the weather is poor, we will start the meetup at the [ALT] Gaming Lounge about 12 PM, and then go the Arboretum about 1 PM. Facebook and Discord updates will be provided throughout the day so that if anyone is joining us after we have left the [ALT] Lounge, they will be able to track us down. 

Feel free bring your own food and snacks, however put any food in a backpack you will be taking to Arboretum, if you will be meeting us at the [ALT] Gaming Lounge. If you are meeting us at the Arboretum, just wait at the entrance closest to Nottingham Trent University

If the weather is poor, we will just hang around the [ALT] Gaming Lounge, catch up, and play games (including card games).

The ALT bar serves delicious food and drinks and they have been accommodating enough to treat us most excellently during our meet-up events, so if you can, please do buy things at the bar.  

The Arboretum Park

[ALT] Video Gaming Lounge

Nottingham Trent University

Poll for Date of Trottinghamshire Bronies July Meetup/Picnic

It’s that time again, when we need to plan the next meetup. This time around, the plan is to go to The Arboretum park, just off the University of Nottingham central campus for a picnic – weather permitting.  Just in case the weather is poor, we will start the meetup at the [ALT] Gaming Lounge, and then go the Arboretum once everyone has turned up. Facebook and Discord updates will be provided throughout the day so that if anyone is joining us after we have left the [ALT] Lounge, they will be able to track us down.   

If the weather is poor, we will just hang around the [ALT] Gaming Lounge, catch up, and play games (including card games).

The ALT bar serves delicious food and drinks and they have been accommodating enough to treat us most excellently during our meet-up events, so if you can, please do buy things at the bar.  

This poll would normally have more dates on, however most of the people running the group are going to BronyCon in August so can not run a meetup that month.  

The poll is now closed. The Winning date is the July the 29th.


The Arboretum


June 10th Trottinghamshire Meetup (Fighting is Magic Tournament)

Following the closure of the poll for the next date for a Trottingham Bronies meet-up, the winner is Saturday the 10th of June 2017.

As usual, this will be hosted at the [ALT] Gaming Lounge, starting from 12:00pm.

Please feel free to bring along your own games of your choosing. However, please bear in mind that on the 10th there will be a Nintendo Switch tournament going on at [ALT], so there may not be as much free space as usual. We are not planning on getting involved with the Switch tournament.

We also hope to be doing a Fighting is Magic tournament on this same day at the computer stations of the [ALT] bar (Pending confirmation from [ALT] staff). Because we need to pay for the usage of these stations, we ask anyone who wishes to be added to the tournament roster to pay a small charge of £2. Of course, If you want to come to the Meetup but do not wish to take part in the Tournament, you do not need to pay a thing (Though putting some money into some food and drinks at ALT would be appreciated).

We may not be able to get controllers that work with Fighting is Magic – Tournament Edition, so there is a chance that it will be a case of having 2 people at the same keyboard. 

Facebook Event Page.

Trottingham Bronies – Signing off!

Meetup Location

[ALT] Gaming Lounge

Results of Poll

Trottinghamshire Bronies Meetup on May 20th

As usual the plan is to meetup at 12:00 pm and hang around the [ALT] Gaming Bar, catch up, and play games (including card games). Feel free to bring want to bring your games.

 The [ALT] Gaming Bar bar serves delicious food and drinks and they have been accommodating enough to treat us most excellently during our meet-up events, so if you can, please do buy things at the bar.

Also the idea of a game tournament was suggested at our last meetup. However, has been pushed back slightly so that we can have more time to organise the event and liaise with the ALT gaming staff regarding feasibility.