The voting for the next Trottinghamshire Meetup is now closed and the date picked for the next virtual meetup is the 17th of July. To see the details behind why this date was picked, as well as the date for the August the 29th IRL Meetup, see the blog post on July and August 2021 Voting Results
On a related note, our June Meetup this month had about 5 and 1/2 people (don’t ask) on the call. Most of the meetup was spent:
Discussing the work we have done on our personal projects, like for example, PC Tower builds and Cosplay.
Watching random videos on the Internet.
Sharing our .Gifs in chat.
Talking about Trottinghamshire Bronies post-lockdown plans for the IRL Meetups.
And finally just catching up with other members of the group.
The plan for the next meetup
The plan for the next meetup is to run a Virtual Meetup as an audio/video call in our Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server within the Trottingham🔈 channel, between 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm (-ish), and keep the overall schedule as light as possible.
This way people can decide what they want to do on the day. People can even use the three extra breakout channels (Canterlot🔈,Ponyville🔈,Cloudsdale🔈) to help coordinate playing games online, and do other stuff like watching MLP:FIM or other TV shows.
Edit 2: The event page for August IRL Meetup can be found here.
Edit: The event page for July Virtual Meetup can be found here.
The voting for the dates of the July Virtual Meetup and August In Real Life meetup is now closed, and the dates have now been chosen. These dates were picked due to them being the most popular days, the least disliked days, and the days that give people the most notice.
The July Virtual Trottinghamshire Meetup will be held on the 17th of July, and the August in Real Life meetup will be on the 29th of August, as long lockdown restrictions are no longer in place.
If Lockdown does not lift by July 19th, there will just be another Virtual Meetup instead. However, if we do have an In Real Life meetup it will be at The Johnson arms (Location on google maps). We will start at the Nottingham train station, and make our way over to The Johnson arms via the tram as we did pre-lockdown.
Moredetails for both meetups will be posted at a later date in the events section of the Trottinghamshire Bronies website.
I will update this blog post when said details are added.
It’s time to pick the date for the July Virtual Trottinghamshire Meetup. This poll will close on the 5th of July at 7 pm. Like the last time around there is also the optional question to pick dates that you don’t want to have the meetup on, to be used in case of a tie break between days.
However, because we are supposed to be out of Lockdown by July 19th, the poll also includes dates for an In Real Life meetup in August. Hopefully, this will make up for the limited selection of dates in July that was caused by other commitments.
If Lockdown does not lift by July 19th, there will just be another meetup Virtual Meetup instead. However, if we do have an In Real Life meetup it will be at The Jonanshon arms (Location on google maps).
July Virtual Meetup
The plan for the July meetup is to run a Virtual Meetup as an audio/video call in our Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server within the Trottingham🔈 channel, between 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm (-ish), and keep the overall schedule as light as possible.
This way people can decide what they want to do on the day. People can even use the three extra breakout channels (Canterlot🔈,Ponyville🔈,Cloudsdale🔈) to help coordinate playing games online, and do other stuff like watching MLP:FIM or other TV shows.
Last Meetup
Our April Meetup this month had about 5 people on the call. Most of the meetup was spent chatting about:
Computer hardware
What computer games the group have playing.
Random videos on YouTube.
The Trottinghamshire Bronies post-lockdown plans for the Meetups.
And finally just catching up with other members of the group.
The voting for the next Trottinghamshire Meetup is now closed and the date picked for the next virtual meetup is the 6th of June. This date was picked due to it being the most popular day, the least disliked day, and the day that gives people the most notice.
On a related note, our April Meetup this month had about 5 people on the call. Most of the meetup was spent watching the whole volume 8 of RWBY, while the rest of the meetup was spent chatting about:
Computer hardware
The Trottinghamshire Bronies post-lockdown plans for the Meetups.
And finally just catching up with other members of the group.
The plan for the next meetup
The plan for the next meetup is to run a Virtual Meetup as an audio/video call in our Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server within the Trottingham🔈 channel, between 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm (-ish), and keep the overall schedule as light as possible.
This way people can decide what they want to do on the day. People can even use the three extra breakout channels (Canterlot🔈,Ponyville🔈,Cloudsdale🔈) to help coordinate playing games online, and do other stuff like watching MLP:FIM or other TV shows.
Results of Voting
The 6th of June was the day picked for the next meetup, as 3 people voted for it, no people voted against it, and was the day that would give people the most notice.
It’s time to pick the date for the next Virtual Trottinghamshire Meetup. This poll will close on the 9th of Mayat Midnight. Like the last time around there is also the optional question to pick dates that you don’t want to have the meetup on, to be used in case of a tie break between days.
On a related note, our April Meetup this month had about 5 people on the call. Most of the meetup was spent watching the whole volume 8 of RWBY, while the rest of the meetup was spent chatting about:
Computer hardware
The Trottinghamshire Bronies post-lockdown plans for the Meetups.
And finally just catching up with other members of the group.
The plan for the next meetup is to run a Virtual Meetup as an audio/video call in our Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server within the Trottingham🔈 channel, between 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm (-ish), and keep the overall schedule as light as possible.
This way people can decide what they want to do on the day. People can even use the three extra breakout channels (Canterlot🔈,Ponyville🔈,Cloudsdale🔈) to help coordinate playing games online, and do other stuff like watching MLP:FIM or other TV shows.
The voting for the next Trottinghamshire Meetup is now closed and the date picked for the next virtual meetup is the 25th of April. This date was picked due to it being the most popular day, the least disliked day, and the day that gives people the most notice.
On a related note, our March Meetup this month had about 7 people on the call. Most of the meetup was spent chatting about:
Computer hardware
Software engineering
Retro technology
Battle Bots
The Trottinghamshire Bronies post-lockdown plans for the Meetups.
And finally just catching up with other members of the group.
The plan for the next meetup
The plan for the next meetup is to run a Virtual Meetup as an
audio/video call in our Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server within the Trottingham🔈 channel, between 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm (-ish), and keep the overall schedule as light as possible.
This way people can decide what they want to do on the day. People can
even use the three extra breakout channels (Canterlot🔈,Ponyville🔈,Cloudsdale🔈) to help coordinate playing games online, and do other stuff like watching MLP:FIM or other TV shows.
The voting for the next Trottinghamshire Meetup is now closed and the date picked for the next virtual meetup is the 6th of March. This date was picked due to it being the most popular day, the least disliked day, and the day that gives people the most notice.
On a related note, our January Meetup this month had about 5 people on the call over the course of the meetup. Most of the meetup was spent chatting about computer hardware, internet memes, technology, and projects people have been working on.
The plan for the next meetup is to run a Virtual Meetup as an
audio/video call in our Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server within the Trottingham🔈 channel, between 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm (-ish).
If there are enough people interested in Twilight Sparkle’s Secret Shipfic Folder, or other online games, we will use one of the three extra breakout channels (Canterlot🔈,Ponyville🔈,Cloudsdale🔈) to help coordinate playing them.
The voting for the next Trottinghamshire Meetup is now closed and the date picked for the next virtual meetup is the 24th of January. This date was picked due to it being the most popular day, the least disliked day, and the day that gives people the most notice.
On a related note, our December Meetup this month had about 7 people on the call. Most of the meetup was chatting about computer hardware and technology, and the rest of the time was spent catching up with other members of the group.
The plan for the next meetup is to run a Virtual Meetup as an audio/video call in our Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server within the Trottingham🔈 channel, between 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm (-ish), and keep the overall schedule as light as possible.
This way people can decide what they want to do on the day. People can even use the three extra breakout channels (Canterlot🔈,Ponyville🔈,Cloudsdale🔈) to help coordinate playing games online, and do other stuff like watching MLP:FIM or other TV shows there.
The voting for the next Trottinghamshire Meetup is now closed and the date picked for the next virtual meetup is the 14th of November. This date was picked due to it being the most popular day, the least disliked day, and the day that gives people the most notice.
Our last meetup in October had about 5 people on the call. Most of the meetup was spent watching episodes of RWBY and MLP:FIM. The rest of the time was spent catching up with other members of the group.
The plan for the next meetup is to run a Virtual Meetup as an audio/video call in our Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server within the Trottingham🔈 channel, between 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm (-ish), and keep the overall schedule as light as possible.
This way people can decide what they want to do on the day, which may or may not include the suggestions people made in the poll depending on how people feel. People can even use the three extra breakout channels (Canterlot🔈,Ponyville🔈,Cloudsdale🔈) to help coordinate playing games online, and do other stuff like watching MLP:FIM or other TV shows there.
The voting for the July Trottinghamshire Meetup is now closed and the date picked for next virtual meetup is Sunday 12th of July. This date was picked due to it being the most preferred date and the least disliked date in the voting.
I know we don’t have a lot of Meetups on Sunday, but as this is an online event between 12:30 PM and 5:30 PM I don’t foresee this causing a lot of problems.
Our June Meetup this month had about 6 people on the call, and most of the time was spent socialising and catching up with people. The rest of the time was spent playing hide and seek in Pony Town, and playing Jackbox games as a group.
Because of this, the plan is to run another Virtual Meetup in July by having an audio call in our Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server, between 12:30 pm and 5:30 pm (-ish), and keep the overall schedule as light as possible. This way people can decide what they want to do on the day.
So we can run the Virtual Meetup, Audio Channels have now been added to in the Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server to help coordinate playing games online and socialising (Canterlot🔈, Ponyville🔈,Cloudsdale🔈, and Trottingham🔈).
Results of Voting
The date picked for July’s Virtual Meetup is the 16th of July