October 23rd & November 20th (2022) Meetups Confirmation / December Meetup Date Issues.

The voting for the dates of the next couple of upcoming meetups is now closed, and the dates have now been chosen. These dates were picked due to them being the most popular days, the least disliked days, and the days that give people the most notice.

However as pointed out by some of the Trottinghamshire Bronies members, because the plan for the Christmas meetup, is to go around Nottingham’s Christmas market Sundays are not feasible due to the shortened Public Transport times, and the meetup going on longer than normal due to needing at least two hours to go around the market.

Because of this, the December voting needs to be reopened at a later date.

As far as the October meetup is concerned this will be held on Sunday 23rd, and the November Meetup will be on Sunday 20th. The details for both of these meetups will be posted in the event section of our website at a later date.

October Results

The 15th of October 35-2
The 16th of October24-2
The 22nd of October330
The 23rd of October514
The 29th of October26-4
The 30th of October330

July Results

The 5th of November431
The 6th of November431
The 12th of November440
The 13th of November514
The 20th of November615
The 26th of November25-3
The 27th of November321

Raw Data

UK Pony Con (UKPC) 2022 After-Meet @ The Playwright Nº 38

It doesn’t seem to be 5 minutes, since the last one but UK Pony Con (UKPC) is less than a month away.

I can now confirm that the venue for the UKPC after-meet is The Playwright Nº 38. We have the Hamlet Corner booked (the backroom that is not near the pizza oven) at The Playwright, for the Friday of the convention (9th of October), between 7:00 PM and when the pub closes. People are welcome to arrive at the pub before 7:00 PM, but we can not guarantee the room will not be available before 7:00 PM.

Less than 6 minutes from the Nottingham Conference Centre where the convention venue is, and we have a good relationship with the Playwright.

The Playwright has adequate table space for card games, even if people bring convention merch with them. Some of the games we have played in the past are:

  • TSSSF (Twilight Sparkles’ Secret Shipfic Folder)
  • Tails of Equestria (a Pen and Paper RPG)
  • MLP CCG at the meetup.
  • Uno (Including the Wild Card Version)

If playing tabletop games is not your thing, there will be plenty of people who you can just hang out with and socialise.

From UKPC Venue To The Playwright | Bigger Map | Poets Corner exact location on What3words

Useful links

Poets Corner exact location on What3words

The Route from UKPC to The Playwright

UK Pony Con

The Playwright website

UK Pony Con (UKPC) 2022 Pre-Meet @ The Playwright Nº 38.

It doesn’t seem to be 5 minutes, since the last one but UK Pony Con (UKPC) is less than a month away.

I can now confirm that the venue for the UKPC pre-meet is The Playwright Nº 38. We have the Poets Corner booked (the backroom that is near the pizza oven) at The Playwright, for the Friday of the convention (7th of October), between 6:30 PM and when the pub closes at 12:00 AM. People are welcome to arrive at the pub before 6:30 PM, but we can not guarantee the room will not be available before 6:30 PM.

Less than 6 minutes from the Nottingham Conference Centre where the convention venue is, and we have a good relationship with the The Playwright.

The Playwright has adequate table space for card games. Some of the games we have played in the past are:

  • TSSSF (Twilight Sparkles’ Secret Shipfic Folder)
  • Tails of Equestria (a Pen and Paper RPG)
  • MLP CCG at the meetup.
  • Uno (Including the Wild Card Version)

If playing table top games is not your thing, there will be plenty of people who you can just hang out with and socialise.

From UKPC Venue To The Playwright | Bigger Map | Poets Corner exact location on what3words

Useful links

Poets Corner exact location on what3words

The Route from UKPC to The Playwright

UK Pony Con

The Playwright website

Trottinghamshire August Meetup (20/08/2022) @ The Playwright 38

The plan for the August 20th meetup is to start at the Playwright 38 pub on Shakespeare Street in Nottingham. To see the details behind why this date was picked see the blog post on the results for the August and September Meetups voting.

We have booked the Poets Corner, the backroom that is near the pizza oven, for between 12 PM to 6 PM. It has adequate table space for people who enjoy playing card games, so people can play TSSSF (Twilight Sparkles’ Secret Shipfic Folder), Tails of Equestria (a Pen and Paper RPG), and MLP CCG at the meetup.

It is also close to the Victoria Shopping Centre so if anyone wants to do some shopping during the meetup, you won’t have far to go. If playing tabletop games is not your thing, there will be plenty of people at the meetup with who you can just hang out and socialise.

Playwright bigger map

Victoria Shopping Centre bigger map

Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server

Trottinghamshire Bronies Telegram Group

Trottinghamshire July Meetup (23/07/2022) @ The Playwright Nº 38

The plan for the July 23rd meetup is to start at the Playwright Nº 38 pub on Shakespeare Street in Nottingham. To see the details behind why this date was picked see the blog post on the results for the June and July Meetups voting.

We have booked the Poets Corner, the backroom that is near the pizza oven, for between 12 PM to 6 PM. It has adequate table space for people who enjoy playing card games, so people can play TSSSF (Twilight Sparkles’ Secret Shipfic Folder), Tails of Equestria (a Pen and Paper RPG), and MLP CCG at the meetup.

It is also close to the Victoria Shopping Centre so if anyone wants to do some shopping during the meetup, you won’t have far to go. If playing tabletop games is not your thing, there will be plenty of people at the meetup with who you can just hang out and socialise.

Playwright bigger map

Victoria Shopping Centre bigger map

Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server

Trottinghamshire Bronies Telegram Group

Trottinghamshire June Meetup (25/06/2022) @ The Playwright 38

The plan for the June 25th meetup is to start at the Playwright 38 pub on Shakespeare Street in Nottingham. To see the details behind why this date was picked see the blog post on the results for the June and July Meetups voting.

We have booked the Hamlet Corner, the back room that is not near the pizza oven, for between 12 PM to 6 PM. It has adequate table space for people who enjoy playing card games, so people can play TSSSF (Twilight Sparkles’ Secret Shipfic Folder), Tails of Equestria (a Pen and Paper RPG), and MLP CCG at the meetup.

It is also close to the Victoria Shopping Centre so if anyone wants to do some shopping during the meetup, you won’t have far to go. If playing tabletop games is not your thing, there will be plenty of people at the meetup with who you can just hang out and socialise.

In other news, there is going to be an RMT strike on Saturday, so traveling by car or bus is the best option. Trent Barton Bus Service’s online route finder and timetables can be found here:  Trent Barton Route Finder. 

Playwright bigger map

Victoria Shopping Centre bigger map

Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server

Trottinghamshire Bronies Telegram Group

Trottinghamshire May Meetup (21/05/2022) @ The Playwright 38

The plan for the May 21st meetup is to start at the Playwright 38 pub on Shakespeare Street in Nottingham. To see the details behind why this date was picked see the blog post on the results for the April and May Meetups voting.

We have booked the back room (near the pizza oven), for between 12 PM to 6 PM. It has adequate table space for people who enjoy playing card games, so people can play TSSSF (Twilight Sparkles’ Secret Shipfic Folder), Tails of Equestria (a Pen and Paper RPG), and MLP CCG at the meetup.

It is also close to the Victoria Shopping Centre so if anyone wants to do some shopping during the meetup, you won’t have far to go. If playing tabletop games is not your thing, there will be plenty of people at the meetup with who you can just hang out and socialise.

Playwright bigger map

Victoria Shopping Centre bigger map

Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server

Trottinghamshire Bronies Telegram Group

Trottinghamshire April Meetup (16/04/2022) @ The Playwright 38

The plan for the April 16th meetup is to start at the Playwright 38 pub on Shakespeare Street in Nottingham. To see the details behind why this date was picked see the blog post on the results for the April and May Meetups voting.

We have booked the back room (near the pizza oven), for between 12 PM to 6 PM. It has adequate table space for people who enjoy playing card games, so people can play TSSSF (Twilight Sparkles’ Secret Shipfic Folder), Tails of Equestria (a Pen and Paper RPG), and MLP CCG at the meetup.

It is also close to the Victoria Shopping Centre so if anyone wants to do some shopping during the meetup, you won’t have far to go. If playing tabletop games is not your thing, there will be plenty of people at the meetup with who you can just hang out and socialise.

Playwright bigger map

Victoria Shopping Centre bigger map

Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server

Trottinghamshire Bronies Telegram Group

Trottinghamshire March Meetup (12/03/2022) @ The Playwright 38

The plan for the March 12th meetup is to start at the Playwright 38 pub on Shakespeare Street in Nottingham. To see the details behind why this date was picked, see the blog post on the results of the voting for the February and March Meetups dates.

We will be holding the meetup somewhere near the back room near the pizza oven, between 12 PM to 6 PM. It has adequate table space for people who enjoy playing card games, so people can play TSSSF (Twilight Sparkles’ Secret Shipfic Folder), Tails of Equestria (a Pen and Paper RPG), and MLP CCG at the meetup.

It is also close to the Victoria Shopping Centre so if anyone wants to do some shopping during the meetup, you won’t have far to go. If playing tabletop games is not your thing, there will be plenty of people at the meetup with who you can just hang out and socialise.

Playwright bigger map

Victoria Shopping Centre bigger map

Trottinghamshire Bronies Discord Server

Trottinghamshire Bronies Telegram Group